According to reports from people at SDCC 2012, not only does Hasbro have no plans for Breakdown, but they also let slip that they have no plans to bring Gaia Unicron to our shores either. You remember Unicron, right? The god of evil and destruction in the Transformers universe, the very same one that, according to Prime’s story, was the center of our very planet?! Unicron made up the entirety of the last 3-4 episodes of season 1, so I can totally undersand why we wouldn’t be seeing him over here.
C’mon Hasbro, get your stuff together! Sure, the Generations releases are good and all, and First Edition is great for people who haven’t already imported them, but if you are going to feature a character on your shows, you should have a toy of them. Bottom line. What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments section!
(HT to Seibertron from bringing us this information)
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