It’s Friday…you know what that means; here’s our comic review of the latest issue of Morning Glories!
Morning Glories is already one of the most complex and expansive books on the market, and issue 31 adds even more layers and complexity with the introduction of more characters, who make up a brand new faction. With a cast as large as that of Morning Glories, the introduction of even more characters can be over whelming, even to the most astute readers. Thankfully, Nick Spencer is up the task. In some absolute writing magic, Spencer actually provided one of the least complex issues of the series so far, in spite of his most recent character introductions.
Even with the introduction of the AV Club in this issue, Hunter was our spotlight character. In recent issues Hunter has become one of the most intriguing characters, and the mythos building around him continues to evolve in this issue. Spencer’s direction for Hunter is becoming very clear at this point. The continued usage of dreams to advance Hunter’s character is nice to a point, but it can feel contrived. This issue’s dream sequence seems particularly weak compared to the one a few issues ago.
Introducing new characters has never been the strong suit of Morning Glories. When Spencer introduced the Truants a while back, it was horrible. It took a few issues for the Traunts to feel like they even belonged in the story. Thankfully, he introduced the AV Club in such a way that they already feel relevant. Each member was given significant time to develop, and they are so different than any characters we have ever met that I am intrigued to see where they go from here.
For the most part this month, Spencer took a step back from the overall mythos of Morning Glories. This was a breath of fresh air for the series, considering that the story has been getting close to collapsing under its own weight for nearly a year. That being said, this is a very character centric issue. With an Irina centric issue last month and a Hunter centric one this month, it seems that Spencer realizes the need to back off the mythos for a while and let us get to know the characters a little better.
This definitely is not the strongest issue in the series, but it is a nice improvement compared to some of the stupidly confusing issues we have seen over the last year. If Spencer continues to give us character driven stories, we may see Morning Glories recover to its former glory. This is one of the best books on the market, and despite its shortcomings, this issue exemplifies why that is. I give it a solid three and half out of five stars.
JustUs Geeks – Comic Review Friday