Episode 258: Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch is everything gamers have wanted and more. Eric Plunk joins us to talk Switch in this week’s podcast.



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Nintendo Fanboy #1 Eric Plunk joins us this week to talk about all things Nintendo Switch!

The launch of Nintendo’s newest console (?) has gone off pretty spectacularly, and Eric and the Geeks break down what they like and don’t like about the system.

Is this finally the console that Nintendo has been looking for? Hear our conversation this week! Chime in yourself by heading over to JUGheads, Inc. and letting us know your thoughts!


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JustUs Geeks Podcast

After three consecutive years of podcasting, the JustUs Geeks Podcast is going stronger than ever! You can download episodes weekly via Stitcher Radio, find the past episodes on iTunes, or listen right here at the website. Don't forget to like and share with your friends! Leave your comments as well below, or over at Twitter: @JustUsGeeks

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