Transformers fans have long asked for bases for their transformers, both good and evil, to inhabit. WIth the Transformers Prime line, we are getting our wish, not just in the form of the Starhammer ship that Wheeljack pilots but also the Energon Drills the Decepticons use to mine their precious energy source. Now, you can add Optimus Maximus to the list. Announced a few months ago but now in stores (maybe), OM was found today by loyal JustUs Geeks reader James Lee in Smyrna, TN, who provided a couple of pictures of his find for proof. Optimus Maximus is available for $32.99 at Target. Happy hunting transfans!

What Trek Meant To Me: Where No Man Has Gone Before
New year, same Trek. Don’t miss Featured Writer Keith Parker’s latest installment of What Trek Meant To Me. Related
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