Max Payne 3/Diablo 3 Midnight Release


Brandon and I tested the waters of the Max Payne 3/Diablo 3 Midnight Release at our local GameStop. Here’s a couple pictures.

Meh. Smallish Crowd.


I mean really, what person from that crowd is wearing a SMALL?!? Shouldn't they start in XXXL?


The night's ultimate winner.

About author

Josh Steen

Josh Steen is the founder of the JustUs Geeks, and is the host of the JustUs Geeks Podcast. Josh is also a dad, husband, and graphic designer. He geeks out over sports, video games, music, and Transformers. Have an idea for a story or podcast topic? Let him know via social media or email!


  1. Ian Brown 17 May, 2012 at 12:10 Reply

    Day 1- error 37 for 5 mins. 300008 for another hour. Played for an hour. Passed out from exhaustion.

    Day 2- Played for an hour on EU server because US logins were screwed.

    The only good thing about my work is that it’s keeping my mind off of how badly I want to play this disaster. Hopefully Blizzard will have things softened by the time I have time to play again.

  2. Dylan Lambert 17 May, 2012 at 22:43 Reply

    I worked that midnight launch and got both games, all i have to say is Max Payne 3 is indeed a gritty title and is amazing, i am thankful i bought it to distract me from the fact that the D3 servers were crashing on day one as all blizzard games have a wonderful tendency to do

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