Random Netflix Movie of the Week: Netflix’s Daredevil 


This week’s Random Netflix Movie of the Week is neither random nor a movie – but you should watch it anyway.

Daredevil Netflix

When it was announced that Netflix was producing its own Daredevil adaptation, I hardly noticed. For all of my love of comic-reading, I mostly ignore superhero stories (Saga, Walking Dead, and Y: The Last Man are more my wavelength). To be honest, I didn’t even know a hint of Daredevil’s story until I watched the Netflix show.

What I can now say about the Netflix Daredevil series is this – adapting a comic story into film, small or large screen, is a daunting task. You have a story with thousands if not millions of critics and experts, and you are opening yourself up to every bit of that.

Netflix came through with shining colors on this one, at least as far as I can tell. This is one of the most charismatic, engaging, and brutal comic adaptations I have seen in a long time. The story of Daredevil as it is in the comics may be completely botched – is it? Someone who knows, weigh in here – but if it is, the creators have built a powerful new universe that I want to know all about.

Have you seen Netflix’s Daredevil? Binge watched it all? Let us know what you think about it!

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About author

Emily Steen

Mom, wife, sometime blogger. Reader of comics and horror.


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