Reggie Fils-Aime Announces Bonus for Consumer Who opted for Deluxe Wii U Bundle



Nintendo of America President and used car salesman Reggie Fils-Aime revealed during a press conference that there will be a bonus feature that will arrive with Wii U $349.99  deluxe bundle. Gamers who opted for the obviously superior bundle will also receive membership into a reward program where points will be earned for digital purchases that can be redeemed for more future content. Here is the quote “Consumers who purchase the Deluxe Set also will be enrolled in the Deluxe Digital Promotion, which lets Wii U owners receive points for each digital download and redeem those points for future downloadable content from the Nintendo eShop. The promotion is currently planned through 2014.”

This sounds pretty similar to the system already in place with 1st party Nintendo Wii and 3DS/DS titles where the purchases can be redeemed for points that can be used as currency on the Nintendo Club website for Nintendo swag and download codes for games. As if gamer’s didn’t need another reason to purchase the Deluxe bundle, if you didn’t pre-order one yet and find retailers sold out, I still suggest you hold until after the initial wave and pick one up later, it is still the better buy.

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Collector of retro video games, blogger of blogs, and caster of pods. I'm a resident of Northeast Mississippi where I live with my wife and hold court as the Chief Video Game consultant for the Just us Geeks empire.

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