Episode 209: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
In the Dawn of Justice of Batman v Superman, this week’s episode is a spoiler-filled and Mom Jeans full review of the Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. -
Episode 172: Highway To Heck
The shocking sequel to last week’s episode! Karaoke War, SDCC, Batman vs. Superman, and lots more this week. -
Episode 73: Comic Week!
Comics and Devices – that’s the name of the game on this week’s show. Plus, the return of Pop Tart Man! -
Podcast Episode 46 – GEEK TALKS!
Sadly, Jared isn’t with us again this week as he’s currently frolicking through Atlanta with his wife, stopping in at IKEA to NOT get Swedish Meatballs. -
Podcast Episode 43 – The Darkside of Collecting
If you Geek out over anything in particular, whether that be Star Wars, Transformers, Gadgets, a certain TV show or anything else, you’ve probably got a great collection of memorabilia to show for it. This week the JustUs Geeks ... -
Editorial: Learning to Respond to Tragedy from Comic Books
JUSTUSGEEKS.com – EDITORIAL This weekend the world lined up to watch the latest entry in the Batman movie franchise, The Dark Knight Rises. It is the third superhero movie this summer, following The Avengers and The Amazing Spider-Man to ... -
“Teen Titans” Cartoon Returns! …sort of
If you are a fan of animated super hero fare, then you may remember the Teen Titans series that aired on Cartoon Network a few years ago. Featuring the main cast of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Beast Boy and Raven and ...