Episode 89: Geek Actually
Dan Marsh returns to help continue the holiday cheer! Christmas plus Walking Dead? Must be geek actually! -
JUG Interview: Jed from Fate of the Game
Check out our interview with Jed from Fate of the Game about all things Nintendo! -
Episode 66: Game and Watch
The Geeks discuss the upcoming games to watch for. Who doesn’t like to watch? -
E3 Review: Nintendo
Let’s be very clear here: Nintendo did not lose E3, but it certainly did not win. -
Episode 59: Iron Men – Review of Iron Man 3 (NO SPOILERS!)
We are Iron Men, and this is our review (NO SPOILERS!) of Iron Man 3. -
Episode 32 – Gonna Wreck It? featuring The KnightWrighters!
This week Jared’s away in Sin City, so the Geeks get invaded by The KnightWrighters! The group talks about resurrecting old TV shows, have a laugh at Deep Thoughts-Hawking Style, discuss Fantasy Football (including a KnightWrighter-led Sports Chorus!), Disney buying ... -
So Marty played the WiiU…..
Earlier today Marty stumbled upon a demo of the soon-to-be-released WiiU! Check out the footage and hear Marty talk in detail about how awesome the WiiU is during the Episode 32 podcast! -
ZombiU – a WiiU Exclusive
*NOTE* Make sure you check out our E3 Edition Podcast! AVAILABLE NOW! Welcome to the Zombie Apocalypse: Nintendo style?!? ZombiU, a WiiU exclusvie title from Ubisoft, is set to take first-person zombie killing to an all new high. Check out ... -
WTF Nintendo?!?
So look at that: Those are NINTENDO products, not an Xbox redesigned; those are Nintendo products. Ahead of their E3 announcements this week Nintendo has stupidly gone ahead with product reveals and information for the WiiU. So what do you ... -
Episode #6 goes live TOMORROW!
Episode #6 has been recorded and is coming at you tomorrow! Make sure to check it out as we talk Avengers, the new Dark Knight trailer, Botcon 2012, more info about the WiiU and launch titles, Kickstarter, our Apps of ... -
More info on possible graphics specs for Wii U
A developer, wishing to not be identified, released some opinions about a Wii U dev kit and supposedly weaker specs the Wii U will be sporting. Now I have heard since the announcement of the Wii U that Nintendo ...