When searching for toys, sometimes it’s best to be armed. Now, we’re not talking about weapons, but knowledge. Sometimes that knowledge comes in the form of when your favorite stocker works, or when the truck comes in, or DPCI numbers. Or, in this case, the item number. Documents found hanging at Toys R Us today show the plan for their new Transformers section and there are a few items worth noting, including:
- Ultimate Optimus Prime (Which we assume means the upcoming Masterpiece MP-10 release)
- Masterpiece Thundercracker
- Movie All Star Ultra Optimus Prime (though this could still be the current deluxe Optimus packaged with the trailer)
It’s clear to see the Transformers section will continue to be large, but, like Walmart, will continue to accomodate the large backlog of Dark of the Moon toys that are seemingly going nowhere. Meanwhile, pegs for Transformers Prime Revealers and Fall of Cybertron deluxes are sparse, with only one for each. This plan is set to be implemented this week, so keep a look out for newer stock, and possibly that highly sought after MP-10 to finally show up. Also, in the picture below, you’ll find the Toys R Us item number for both Ultimate Optimus Prime and Masterpiece Thundercracker, which might just help you track them down.
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