Episode 134: And Introducing…


This week’s episode marks a new chapter in JUG history; don’t miss it!Episode 134 Featured

It’s a brand new era for the JustUs Geeks, as James, Logan, and Matt join Josh as the brand new cast of the JustUs Geeks Podcast!

To get the conversation going this week, the guys answer this week’s #TweetTheGeeks Question of the Week, and they want YOUR answer: What is your favorite horror or suspense video game or video game series? Make sure to let us know your answers!

This week’s first topic is all about the new guys! Get to know James, Logan, and Matt as they talk about what makes them geeky, and what they hope to bring to JustUs Geeks.

The conversation shifts to the season premiere of The Walking Dead, and after the break, find out which of the newest Geeks is most excited for the return of Twin Peaks!

Also, don’t miss the first official That’s My Jam! and Apps of the Week for the newest Geeks; did someone say Duck Dynasty?!?!

Get in touch with the new Geeks on Twitter! Let James, Logan, and Matt know what you think about the show so you can carry on the geeky conversation there.

Here’s lots of other things you can also do:

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JustUs Geeks Podcast

After three consecutive years of podcasting, the JustUs Geeks Podcast is going stronger than ever! You can download episodes weekly via Stitcher Radio, find the past episodes on iTunes, or listen right here at the website. Don't forget to like and share with your friends! Leave your comments as well below, or over at Twitter: @JustUsGeeks


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