Episode 193: Movie Of The Year


Who takes home the Movie of the Year for 2015? Find out in this week’s episode!


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How big of a challenge would it be to name the best movie of the year? Could you do it? As you geeks know we see lots of movies; heck, we saw more movies in 2015 than the guys from I Heard That Was Good did!

In all seriousness, 2015 has been one great year for movies, and The Force Awakens hasn’t even broken the box office yet. We sat down this week, and went over movie after movie, and somehow picked the winner.

So who won? Who did we pick? Here’s some insight to our Movie of the Year (not counting Star Wars) edition:

  • January: Could a children’s film take home Movie of the Year honors?
  • February: An Oscar winner clears up his speech, but is it good enough to win it all?
  • March: A clever chap, the movie for this month was.
  • April: Is this movie featuring Logan’s only chance at love really worthy of Movie of the Year?
  • May: Well now, this was no mediocre month. WITNESS ME!
  • June: Raptor Squad go….and be the Movie of the Year?
  • July: This one almost cause a fight.
  • August: We were straight outta other choices for the winner of this month.
  • September: Well, even this visit couldn’t make this month as good as the last few.
  • October: How could you survive without this Movie of the Year nominee?
  • November: Yo, Adrian! Did this movie have what it takes to be the best around?

After choosing the best movie from each month we had no choice but to force these movies to battle head-to-head, and…a winner is chosen!

But wait……who wins? Which Geeks picked correctly?

We want to hear from you! Did we get it wrong? Did we miss your favorite movie? Do you like our choice for Movie of the Year? Leave your comments below or check out the buttons at the top of the page to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Here’s an announcement of sorts: no new Extra Geeky for the rest of the year. (Hey, we’ve got a lot going on, you know?) In the meantime, check out the entire Extra Geeky library.

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JustUs Geeks Podcast

After three consecutive years of podcasting, the JustUs Geeks Podcast is going stronger than ever! You can download episodes weekly via Stitcher Radio, find the past episodes on iTunes, or listen right here at the website. Don't forget to like and share with your friends! Leave your comments as well below, or over at Twitter: @JustUsGeeks


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