Thanks to Big Bad Toy Store, tonight we know that Hasbro will release a revised wave 4 in the Revealer class, adding not one, but TWO Vehicons to the mix. This will also be the first wave of Revealers in the line without Bumblebee (YES!!!). Check out the case breakdown below, then head on over to BBTS and get your preorder on. Maybe Hasbro is listening to fan backlash after all!
1x Wheeljack
1x Autobot Ratchet
1x Knockout
2x Vehicon
1x Hotshot
1x Airrachnid
1x Deadend
Yay! Now i’ll have a better chance to army build Vehicons. I want at least 3, maybe more if they are common enough.
I think I’m going to get two car ones, and one jet one.