Help us out for Episode #15!


We’re one geek shy of our usual foursome this week, so we need your questions now more than ever!

Submit your questions here or over on Facebook for us to answer during our Episode #15 recording Tuesday night!


About author

Josh Steen

Josh Steen is the founder of the JustUs Geeks, and is the host of the JustUs Geeks Podcast. Josh is also a dad, husband, and graphic designer. He geeks out over sports, video games, music, and Transformers. Have an idea for a story or podcast topic? Let him know via social media or email!


  1. Vicky Chan 3 July, 2012 at 23:25 Reply

    Speaking of zombies, what kind of zombie would you be? Personally I would want to be a zombie in MJ’s Thriller video. Nothing better then dancing and eating brains in the apocalypse. Also, what do you think is the best way to kill a zombie? Love the show! Keep up the good work 😀

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