No Outsourced Geeks Here: CALL US AT 1 (707) OK-GEEKS NOW!



We need your questions for the upcoming Episode #27 of the JustUs Geeks podcast!

Call us RIGHT NOW at 1(707) OK-GEEKS and leave your question for us on the JustUs Geeks Hotline! Leave your question and be featured on the podcast.

As always, feel free to also leave your questions and comments on the website, Facebook page, and Twitter.

So don’t call anyone else with your geeky questions or comments, call us! 1 (707) OK-GEEKS!

About author

Josh Steen

Josh Steen is the founder of the JustUs Geeks, and is the host of the JustUs Geeks Podcast. Josh is also a dad, husband, and graphic designer. He geeks out over sports, video games, music, and Transformers. Have an idea for a story or podcast topic? Let him know via social media or email!

1 comment

  1. Knight Wrighter 26 September, 2012 at 13:00 Reply

    Chris here. If you could make a movie, animated or live action, from any comic storyline what would it be? I would like to see marvel’s civil war or y the last man. Love the podcast. Keep up the good work.

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