Episode 164 Minisode featuring I Heard That Was Good


Our good friends from the I Heard That Was Good podcast dropped by for a minisode!

Click here to listen to our minisode from the I Heard That Was Good podcast!

As we mentioned in this week’s episode, our good friends from the I Heard That Was Good podcast dropped in for a complete minisode about their favorite rental store experiences.

So make sure you’ve heard Episode 164 of the podcast to get you ready for this minisode!

Do us, and yourself, a favor and head on over to iheardthatwasgood.com and check out their latest episode of their show. Follow them on Twitter, give them a great review on iTunes, and let them know we send you!

Did you answer our Tweet The Geeks Question of the Week yet? This week’s question: Were you kind? Did you actually rewind those VHS tapes before taking them back to the rental store? Let us know in the comments below!

Click here to listen to our minisode from the I Heard That Was Good podcast!

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JustUs Geeks Podcast

After three consecutive years of podcasting, the JustUs Geeks Podcast is going stronger than ever! You can download episodes weekly via Stitcher Radio, find the past episodes on iTunes, or listen right here at the website. Don't forget to like and share with your friends! Leave your comments as well below, or over at Twitter: @JustUsGeeks


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