Episode 279: The iPhone is IT


The Geeks are back, and set their sights on reviews of the all new iPhone X and IT (spoilers included)! Download, listen, and review today!

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But for real. That review.

The Geeks are back, and Cracker Barrel is their home this week as Emily guests to talk about the Apple iPhone event, including the iPhone X, and for a review of IT! Spoilers and creepiness abound!

Are you planning to get one of the new models of iPhone? 8, X, or other? LET US KNOW!

Give it a listen, and let us know what you want to hear us discuss in the next few weeks! Follow us on social medias, and JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP!

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JustUs Geeks Podcast

After three consecutive years of podcasting, the JustUs Geeks Podcast is going stronger than ever! You can download episodes weekly via Stitcher Radio, find the past episodes on iTunes, or listen right here at the website. Don't forget to like and share with your friends! Leave your comments as well below, or over at Twitter: @JustUsGeeks

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