Geek the Halls: JustUs Geek’s Christmas Geek Gift Guide – The Movies


Ho ho ho!  It’s that time of year again!  Chances are that you, or someone you know, is a geek.  Pretty soon, we’ll all be settling down to pull presents out from under the tree and unwrap them, and nothing is more disappointing that tearing into a package you think is the newest, hottest piece of tech gadgetry only to find some Axe body spray and a pair of those socks with treads on the bottom.  So, to keep our non-geeky friends from giving embarassing gifts, and maybe to remind some of our geeky friends about some cool stuff that’s out there, we present to you our 2012 Christmas Geek Gift Guide!  Below, you’ll find some of the best geeky gifts out there, guaranteed to make even the hardest to buy for geeks happy.  So sit back, take a few minutes, and educate yourselves before you make a Christmas geek faux pas.

Today, we’ll check out movies, showing you some of the hottest new releases plus some old classics that are sure to please this season.  We’ve also included some handy links so you can go ahead and purchase these if you want.  Check back over the next few days for more gift ideas!

The Dark Knight Rises: Limited Bat Cowl Edition (Blu-ray+DVD+Ultraviolet) – around $180

Limited to just 35,000 copies, this is THE edition of the most anticipated superhero movie of 2012.  Not only do you get the full 3-disc set, but you also get Batman’s broken cowl on a display stand, which stores the discs inside.  You can find these on Amazon right now for around $180, which may seem a bit pricey, but if you have a Batman geek in your life, then this could be just the thing for them!

Transformers: The Complete Series – $89.99

Clocking in at an incredible 15 discs, this is the definitive version of the classic 80’s cartoon that started it all.  For your money, this is one set that can’t be beat.  Forget those old Rhino versions that were released in the early 2000’s, with their dubbed in sounds and bad quality.  Shout Factory has done an amazing job of restoring these toons to their original glory and leaving everything intact.  Not only do you get all 98 episodes of the original series, but you get featurettes, rare PSA’s, archived commercials, art galleries, and more!

Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures (Blu-ray box set) – $64.64 with free shipping

Nazis.  Ancient treasure.  Hearts being ripped out.  Shortround.  Yes, this box set has it all, especially if you take Kingdom of the Crystal Skull out and throw it in the trash as soon as you open the box.  Included are all four of Indy’s adventures, which span three great movies and a fourth that’s still out for debate.  Not a bad price for the thrill seeker in your life, and hey, you get to watch that guy’s face melt off in HD when he opens the Ark of the Covenant.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (blu-ray + DVD) – $11.28 plus free shipping

Imagine a world where everyone has the ability to fight like it’s Street Fighter, you have to drain your Pee Bar, video game graphics integrate into daily life, and to earn love you must fight with outlandish effects and weaponry.  What does all that add up to?  You need to watch Scott Pilgrim vs. the World to find out.  Adapted from Bryan Lee O’Malley’s graphic novels of the same name, this cult classic movie follows slacker Scott Pilgrim into battle against the evil ex’s of Ramona Flowers, who he is currently involved in a relationship with.  The movie has plenty of laugh out loud moments, great music from Beck and other bands, and a style all it’s own.  It’s a sure fire hit for any video game lovers in your family.

Star Wars: The Complete Saga (blu-ray) – $84.99 with free shipping

Obviously, this isn’t the COMPLETE saga anymore, since Disney purchased Lucasfilm and has started on more Star Wars movies, but until the next one is released, we can pretend, right?  This is a very nice set, with lots of great features, including all six movies in HD.  Keep in mind, however, that these are not the original cuts of the movies, which we will never see again this side of a laserdisc.  In all, this nine disc set is great for new and old Star Wars fans alike, if not just for the fact that you can finally hate Jar Jar Binks in high definition.

Star Trek: The Complete Original Series (blu ray) – $200.19 with free shipping

This Christmas, boldly go where no one has gone before with the complete original series of Star Trek!  Encompassing three seasons, this 20 disc set is a great starting point for new fans of the series who don’t remember any other Captain except Jean Luc Picard.  It’s a bit pricey at the Amazon original price, but third party sellers were offering the same set for much less, so do some checking around.

We hope this has given you some ideas to start your shopping.  Check back tomorrow for Geek the Halls: Video Game edition!

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