Kickstarter, a website allowing folks and corporations to ask for donations for projects and business ideas, has become a bit of a hotbed of game projects. Tim Schafer raised an absolute ton of money to create a new adventure styled game and now Shadowrun may have it’s seeds planted as well.
A group calling themselves Harebrained Schemes LLC is asking for 1.75 million (and darn close to getting it) to build and release a new game in the famous Shadowrun universe. The pen and paper RPG series, and classic snes game, has a great following and I’m sure they are all salivating over the possibilities of what could come from this project.
Check out and kick in some money if ya got it!
This definitely excites me!
As long as it is a REAL Shadowrun game, unlike that abomination FPS that was put out. I expected an actual SR experience, but instead got a crappy FPS with absurd control schemes that made me want to slit my throat, fill an envelope with fresh arterial blood and mail it to FASA Interactive… or am I being too harsh?
I remember spending a lot of time with the Super Nintendo version, and woud love to see a game that had that much time and care put into it be released.
The Sega Genesis version had its charms as well. I think I enjoyed the cyberspace sections better. They had more of a “Lawnmower Man” vibe to them. Giant floating nodes taunting you as you hurl lightning bolt hacktools at them. To date, I play the crap out of the ROM on my emulator. Thank God for fair use policy.