Introducing…Random Netflix Movie of the Week!


Are you a Netflix master? Do you sit down, open up your queue, and immediately know exactly what movie you will be watching?

Random Netflix Movie


I am not.


Netflix is overwhelming. There are suggestion algorithms and subreddits and (at least in my case) lots of hand wringing.

It’s not supposed to be that way, right? Netflix is supposed to be fun and relaxing, something to help you unwind and apparently NOT a source of agony over categories and suggestion lists.

Recently I decided that I would henceforth just watch a movie that I think looks entertaining. If the movie sucks, I will stop watching it.

In either case, I will then gladly share my findings via a new series (to go along with Podspot which will instead only tell you good things about podcasts you should definitely listen to) – if I’ve chosen a movie that was terrible yet I finished it anyway, I will tell you. If I found my new favorite movie ever, I’ll tell you. If I am unmoved, I’ll tell you.

I am not an expert movie watcher, but hopefully this can be an enjoyable new weekly feature.

So watch this spot next week for the first Random Netflix Movie of the Week!

Have you listened to Episode 152? Why not? Listen to it here!

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About author

Emily Steen

Mom, wife, sometime blogger. Reader of comics and horror.


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