Joss Whedon Returns to Write/Direct AVENGERS 2! Plus Oversee a Marvel TV Series!


Big, big news broke during a Disney Investor Conference Call, news that all Geeks should celebrate in the streets over:

Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the guy who wrote and directed the Marvel-ous Avengers movie is officially coming back.

The Avengers was a big hit, both commercially (it has become one of the highest grossing movies of all time) as well as critically (it has a 92% “Fresh” rating on Rotten Tomatoes).

That is all, True Believers. Rumors have been swirling that Disney was looking to make a new Live-Action TV series that would take place in the cinematic Marvel Universe established by Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and the Avengers.

Awesome, awesome news. The Avengers couldn’t be in better hands than those of Joss Whedon. Celebrate with us today J.U.G.heads!



More as this story develops.



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