New ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ four minute preview



Looks pretty darn good to me.  What do you guys think?  Let us know in the comments section below!

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  1. Chris Wright 15 May, 2012 at 10:41 Reply

    Looks AMAZING!!! and that’s coming from a huge spider-man fan. Any of you guys reading the new scarlet spider?

  2. Ronnie McNutt 15 May, 2012 at 14:00 Reply

    I keep hearing people talk about the changes to Spider-Man’s origin story that this movie will have, but based on this trailer, it seems they are just doing it based on the Ultimate Spider-Man. The stuff with Peter’s dad really gives me that impression considering what we know about Peter’s dad in the Ultimate-verse.

  3. Jared Wallin 15 May, 2012 at 15:13 Reply

    One of the big complaints I’ll have (if the rumor turns out to be true) is that we find out Peter getting bitten and gaining his powers wasn’t a freak accident, it was orchestrated by his parents.

    If that’s true, to me it ruins so much of what Peter’s character is about.

    It’s bad enough that he’s no longer a wrestler any more in this version…

  4. Marty 16 May, 2012 at 09:34 Reply

    I’m going to withhold judgment until I’ve seen it. I was not a fan until the last trailer they released, and it was so good that it made me want to see the movie. Mostly, I’m just not an Andrew Garfield fan. But, if they do change the backstory to make Peter’s parents responsible while not having him be a wrestler and learn “With great power comes great responsibility”, then I have a BIG problem with this version of Spiderman.

  5. Ben Knight 16 May, 2012 at 16:33 Reply

    Personally, I don’t mind the change in the story line. Yeah it’s following ultimate spidey, but I like the ultimate universe. We’ve already got the original storyline in the first three films, so what’s the harm in revamping and changing a bit? If I wanted to watch the same movie with different actors I’d just watch superman.

    • up quote 7 March, 2017 at 04:25 Reply

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    • firewheel 8 April, 2017 at 06:07 Reply

      I think you combined just about every one of my favorite ingredients! 🙂 This looks so good and the fact that its an easy meal– all the better! Yet another of your's that I can't wait to try! Capers and lemon are so good together. Yummy!

    • auto quotes Mount Pleasant, Michigan 7 June, 2017 at 05:26 Reply

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