Doom 3 BFG Edition coming to PS3, Xbox 360, and PC



There is no doubt about the impact, and controversy, that the Doom series has had on videogame and pop culture. The lonely meanderings of the lone marine in the first game, to the darkened (maybe too darkened) hallways of Doom 3, gamers have been fragging demons for a couple of decades now and Bethesda entertainment doesn’t plan on letting that slow down. Announced recently is the Doom 3 BFG edition for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC, which will contain a remastered version of Doom 3 and the expansion, Resurrection of Evil. Sweetening the deal even further is the inclusion of a new singleplayer game titled ” The Lost Mission” and to tug at your nostalgia vein Bethesda is throwing in the original Doom and Doom 2.


Though no price point or release date has been given yet, I would easily say that if this falls in the $30 dollar range it’s a pretty sweet deal. Doom and Doom2 can be fun to kill a couple of hours on a rainy day, but Doom 3 and the expansion were pretty great atmospheric games. The adding of this new Lost Mission also has me excited. I do have to wonder though, now that gamers have tasted REAL fear with the Dead Space series, I have a feeling that Doom 3 may actually start to feel a little dated in comparison. Hopefully we will have more information soon, so stay tuned to and download us on itunes.



About author


Collector of retro video games, blogger of blogs, and caster of pods. I'm a resident of Northeast Mississippi where I live with my wife and hold court as the Chief Video Game consultant for the Just us Geeks empire.


  1. DUH MF 6 April, 2015 at 12:34 Reply

    Maybe you should have done the settings right at the begining of the game, AND not have your tv infront of a window, OR turn your lights off, OR stop being a little bitch.

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