Medal of Honor: Warfighter and Black Ops 2 Banned in Pakistan.
If your a Pakistani resident and want to pick up a copy of the newest Medal of Honor (because maybe you just like punishment) or Call of Duty game, you are very much out of luck. Pakistan has banned the ... -
Star Wars Battlefront Online Concept Art
Don’t you love it when videogame news can totally ruin your day? Development house Slant SiX, creators of Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, were picked up to do Star Wars Battlefront: online back before 2010. The company hit some hard ... -
Games of the Week: Heroes of Ruin, Penny Arcade Episode 3, and NCAA 13
Its Satuuuuurrddaaayyy! So kick off the weekend right with these great games that the geeks are currently playing. Heroes of Ruin (Nintendo 3Ds) As mention in the podcast, its Diablo on the go. Tons of quests and monsters ... -
Settlement Reached in Class Action Lawsuit against Netflix
Did you know Netflix kept your viewing history and possibly shared it with 3rd party entities? Does that bother you? Well, you might just be happy to know that a class action lawsuit was presented and settled against the ... -
Trailer for Avengers: Battle for Earth coming to Xbox 360 and Wii U this fall
Avengers Assemble! Feel free to go ahead and yell that by yourself in your room with excitement because a cinematic trailer for Avengers: Battle for Earth has dropped like honey from that little convention everybody has been talking about. Something ... -
Timesplitters 4 Could Become Reality if Facebook Page hits 100,000 likes
A Facebook campaign to amass 100,000 fans could be reaching the ears of executives at Crytek and could mean a new release is possible. Former Free Radical employees who have worked on previous Timesplitter’s games have promised new media ... -
First Screens of SplinterCell “Blacklist” sneaking in to E3
Ubisoft has tactically inserted first screenshots of the next chapter of the Splinter Cell series into E3, codenamed “Blacklist”. The game appears to be a direct sequel to Splinter Cell Conviction and Sam Fisher appears to be just as freaking ... -
E3 Skyrim DLC “DawnGuard” Trailer Released
As if I needed another reason to continue my 150 hour adventure in Skyrim, Bethesda finds a way to drag me back in. New details for “DawnGuard”, the first DLC for Skyrim, have plunged their way from E3 to ... -
Doom 3 BFG Edition coming to PS3, Xbox 360, and PC
There is no doubt about the impact, and controversy, that the Doom series has had on videogame and pop culture. The lonely meanderings of the lone marine in the first game, to the darkened (maybe too darkened) hallways of ... -
Street Fighter Anniversary Box Set Coming September 18th
My fellow geeks, we need to have a conversation about something you really need. The cost of $150 is such a miniscule price to pay for what I am about to tell you that it isn’t even a concern. ... -
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Coming to PC on August 24th
For gamers out there that need to be challenged to controller shattering levels (myself included) there are no games better than Demon Souls and Dark Souls. Kindred only in spirit these two games provide a difficulty level that harkens ... -
Wolfenstein Turns 20! (can’t drink yet, but still a party)
Yup around this time twenty years ago Wolfenstein 3D came and rocked the video game world forever. I personally still think its fun today to kill an hour or so playing this so that must be a testament ...