Episode 179: Metal Gear


This week’s podcast is solid; join the Geeks for a discussion on all things Metal Gear!



In this week’s episode, the Geeks take on one of the most beloved – and difficult – video game series of all times: Metal Gear. Earlier this week on Extra Geeky we mentioned that we would be talking about all things Metal Gear, along with James’ review of the box office bomb, American Ultra. What’s Extra Geeky, you say? Check out this week’s bonus minisode here.


Sign up for Geek Fuel today!

As we’ve mentioned before, and on Periscope this week, we really hope you will go check out our new friends at Geek Fuel! You’ll hear more about Geek Fuel over the next couple of weeks, but if you like listening to us, we hope that you’ll help us out by going and giving our new friends at Geek Fuel a try. Do you already have a monthly subscription box? Yeah, we did too, but it just wasn’t that great. Enter: Geek Fuel; just look at all of the awesome things in this image! Geek Fuel is on a quest to discover and share the vast array of geeky items that include recognized brands as well as up and coming artists.  Subscriptions start as low as $13.90 and Geek Fuel boxes include 6-8 items, with a value of at least $50. During the break you’ll hear all about why we like Geek Fuel, so click on the picture above and go sign up today! Just to be safe, go here: http://www.geekfuel.com/justusgeeks

So here’s what we discussed in this week’s episode:

  • So what makes Metal Gear so special?
  • Did you start with Metal Gear Solid? Did you play the NES games?
  • What’s your favorite Metal Gear game? Favorite story from the games?
  • Who is Hideo Kojima, and why is he the most important piece of the Metal Gear puzzle?
  • What’s next for Konami?
  • Metal Gear Solid V sounds REALLY good…..

So what about you? Are you a huge Metal Gear fan? Are you freaking out about Metal Gear Solid V? Listen to the show, hear our conversation about the franchise, and then click the buttons at the top of the page and chime in on social media and the comments below.

Don’t miss out on this fun-filled episode! Extra Geeky this week is bizarre, but incredibly informative! We stuck with our video game theme, and in this week’s Extra Geeky we discuss the Fall/Winter 2015 video game line-up!

Most importantly, let us know what you think of the show! Leave us comments, reviews, and share with your friends! If iTunes is your thing, consider leaving us a 5 star review!


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JustUs Geeks Podcast

After three consecutive years of podcasting, the JustUs Geeks Podcast is going stronger than ever! You can download episodes weekly via Stitcher Radio, find the past episodes on iTunes, or listen right here at the website. Don't forget to like and share with your friends! Leave your comments as well below, or over at Twitter: @JustUsGeeks


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