Thoughts on The Phantom Pain Trailer Shown at VGA’s


The VGA’s didn’t contain much in the way of major surprises for the gaming industry, except maybe for this strange trailer shown from Moby Dick Studios for their new (and first ever) game The Phantom Pain. The trailer, which you can watch below, doesn’t hold much in the way of answers to what this game is and what it is about, but a little research around Moby Dick Studios website reveals this may be a teaser for a new Hideo Kojima Metal Gear Solid.

The website for Moby Dick Studios has only been up since November 19th of this year, and if it were a real company working on a game it would be more plausible for them to have had a website up for much longer. The website itself is bare bones, with only some contact info and a cookie cutter “about us” page. The CEO is listed as Joakim Mogren, his first name being a possible anagram for Kojima. Also puzzling, the main character in The Phantom Pain trailer seems to look an awful lot like Solid Snake/Big Boss from the Metal Gear series. Hideo Kojima has never been one to skip out on cryptic teasers and strange promotions, so my money is on this being a look into the world and plot of the next Metal Gear Solid, and that makes me very happy indeed.

Check out the trailer below and stay tuned for more info and be sure to download this week’s episode of the Just Us Geeks Podcast on stitcher mobile radio and itunes.
Thanks for the trailer

About author


Collector of retro video games, blogger of blogs, and caster of pods. I'm a resident of Northeast Mississippi where I live with my wife and hold court as the Chief Video Game consultant for the Just us Geeks empire.

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