Extra Geeky #6: Extra Hoppy/Extra Freaky


Do you have to be 21 years of age to listen to this week’s Extra Geeky? You probably should be; we talk about beer and the crazy issue in Episode 181.



Do the things the buttons tell you to do!

So have you listened to Episode 181 yet? We had some really crazy tech problems! Stop, go back, and listen to Episode 181 right now!


So after the heaviness of Episode 181 – which we hope you enjoyed – we thought we’d give you a taste of something different in this week’s Extra Geeky. If you’ve listened to the show for any length of time you probably have heard us mention that we’ll occasionally split a six pack of some kind of beer during a recording. Our very good friends Tim and Carson from I Heard That Was Good have a Beer of the Week segment at the beginning of their show, so we thought we’d take our usual six pack, combine it with a Beer of the Week style segment, and voila: Extra Geeky #6.

Before we crack open the six most interesting beers from our new craft beer store in town, we go on the record about the craziness that led us to discover the technical issues (and potentially caused them??????) during Episode 181. Trust us, we need a beer or two after that.

So maybe you don’t drink beer, or maybe you don’t drink period; that’s okay! This is a judgement-free zone, but we think you’ll still enjoy this extra episode!

Oh yeah – don’t forget our new friends at Geek Fuel!

Sign up for Geek Fuel today!

You’ll hear us talk lots about Geek Fuel in the next few weeks, so click the image and head over to Geek Fuel and check out the really awesome things you can get monthly. We aren’t ever going to ask you for money, but if you like the show, this is a great way to support us, and YOU get the awesomeness! Subscriptions start as low as $13.90 and Geek Fuel boxes include 6-8 items, with a value of at least $50. During the break in Episode 181 you’ll hear all about why we like Geek Fuel, so click on the picture above and go sign up today! Just to be safe, go here: http://www.geekfuel.com/justusgeeks

This is the last week we’ll be broadcasting Extra Geeky on SoundCloud. Go ahead and download the FREE audioBoom app for your smart device! What’s audioBoom? It’s like Stitcher, but WAAAAY better!

Need to download Extra Geeky #5? Follow us on SoundCloud.

About author

Josh Steen

Josh Steen is the founder of the JustUs Geeks, and is the host of the JustUs Geeks Podcast. Josh is also a dad, husband, and graphic designer. He geeks out over sports, video games, music, and Transformers. Have an idea for a story or podcast topic? Let him know via social media or email!


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