Episode 177: 90’s Rap & Hip Hop


We aren’t straight outta Compton, but this week’s episode is all about 90’s rap and hip hop.



With all of the hype around Straight Outta Compton, the Geeks decided to jump into one of the greatest eras of music history, with one of the greatest genres: 90’s rap and hip hop. Although we did get to screen Straight Outta Compton, we save our review of the film for the next installment of Extra Geeky! What’s Extra Geeky? Check out last week’s bonus minisode here.

Listen to our take on 90’s rap and hip hop, where we talk about the following:

  • How was each Geek was exposed to 90’s rap and hip hop? Keep in mind that Logan was merely a small child during this time!
  • Who are the most influential artists of 90’s rap and hip hop?
  • What is your favorite track from the era?
  • All time favorite 90’s rap and hip hop artists!

Don’t miss out on this great episode! You also don’t want to miss next week’s episode, but we’ll let these guys tell you what it’s about…

Lego Episode

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JustUs Geeks Podcast

After three consecutive years of podcasting, the JustUs Geeks Podcast is going stronger than ever! You can download episodes weekly via Stitcher Radio, find the past episodes on iTunes, or listen right here at the website. Don't forget to like and share with your friends! Leave your comments as well below, or over at Twitter: @JustUsGeeks


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