Send us your geeky questions for Episode #16!


We need your questions for the Episode #16 podcast!

Submit them here, or at any of our other online places.

Let’s hear from you and we’ll answer your questions on the Episode #16 podcast to come out Friday.


Give us a call at 707-OK-GEEKS and you may be featured on the Podcast!

About author

Josh Steen

Josh Steen is the founder of the JustUs Geeks, and is the host of the JustUs Geeks Podcast. Josh is also a dad, husband, and graphic designer. He geeks out over sports, video games, music, and Transformers. Have an idea for a story or podcast topic? Let him know via social media or email!


  1. Zack Steen 10 July, 2012 at 14:22 Reply

    Why are satellite companies fighting back and fourth with network providers? Why is it just now happening? — first Dish drops AMC, now DirecTV may drop 26 Viacom channels – What’s the deal? DirecTV says they are trying to “keep customers bills low” – hard for me to believe that not having MTV or Comedy Central is “Keeping my bill low”! Thoughts ….

  2. Vicky Chan 10 July, 2012 at 18:01 Reply

    Many genre books/comics are now popular TV shows (Game of Throne, True Blood, Walking Dead, Dexter, etc…) Are there other books/comics that would be good candidates for future TV shows?

  3. Mark McNeese 10 July, 2012 at 23:57 Reply

    Do you guys have any theories on just who John Blake (Joseph-Gordon Levitt’s character in Dark Knight Rises) will end up being? My hopes are for a Robin/Nightwing twist, although with past remarks from Nolan- I’m doubting it.

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Episode 185: Twitch TV

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