Reggie Fils-Aime Announces Bonus for Consumer Who opted for Deluxe Wii U Bundle
Nintendo of America President and used car salesman Reggie Fils-Aime revealed during a press conference that there will be a bonus feature that will arrive with Wii U $349.99 deluxe bundle. Gamers who opted for the obviously superior bundle ... -
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix heading to PS3
If you like Disney, and you like Final Fantasy, your day may have just got better. Square Enix has announced that they will be releasing Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix, which includes Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (the original game), Kingdom ... -
Season Pass Announced with Forza Horizon
Gamers wishing to spend an extra ten or twenty bucks on their games will be pleased to know that Xbox 360’s upcoming open world racing adventure, Forza Horizon, will allow gamers to purchase a Season Pass that will drip ... -
Guest Article: The Bayonetta 2 Wii-U Controversy
5 reasons Nintendo’s Exclusivity with Bayonetta 2 isn’t so bad Recently, the collective hopes and prayers of action adventure gamers was granted with a resounding yes as PlatinumGames’ Bayonetta 2 was officially announced. This was followed quickly by ... -
Gamestop sells Out of Wii U $349.99 Bundle Pre-orders
If there is one thing Nintendo remains consistent about, it is making sure their is always some form of shortage of hardware when they launch a console around Christmas. After 48 hours of allowing pre-orders to begin, Gamestop announced ... -
Nintendo Wii U Preview Event Liveblog
We will be liveblogging the Nintendo Wii U Preview Event presented by Reggie Fils-Aime today at 9:00 a.m. Stay tuned for all the updates! -
Electronics Distributor May Have Revealed Wii U Price and Release Date
A distributor that supplies websites such as Amazon.com and Newegg.com may have outed some Wii U details before any official announcement from Nintendo. A news report from GoNintendo.com revealed the company, Video Products Distributor, has listings for 3 ... -
Square-Enix Throws Spikey Headed Hat into Cloud Gaming Arena
It is pretty obvious that I am a fan of free and cheap ways to play video games, so it should come as no surprise that I am interested in browser based games. Square-Enix (makers of Final Fantasy series, ... -
Skyrim Hearthfire DLC coming to xbox live on September 4th
While it isn’t quite as useless as Horse Armor, it is pretty close. Coming to Xbox Live on the 4th of September will be the newest DLC package for Skyrim titled Hearthfire. The name conjures up images of your ... -
State of the Game Address: Internet Killed the Arcade Star
You remember every detail about him. He probably had glasses, he certainly had acne, and he more than likely had a Rush t-shirt on. You remember him well because he absolutely ruined you at Mortal Kombat II. To ... -
LittleBigPlanet Playstation Vita Trailer
Here at JustUs Geeks, we give the Playstation family of consoles a lot of grief. Some of is is well deserved, but some may not be. Case in point: LittleBigPlanet is a wonderful series of games, and without the ... -
Frank Gibeau, EA Labels head, has seen the Playstation 4 and Next Xbox
In a speech at Gamescom, the EA Labels head revealed that he has personally seen both the Playstation 4 and the Next Xbox. What does this mean? Could a reveal of the machines be that far off? Some say yes, ... -
Discovered Playstation Web Domain Names May Hint at Gamescon Reveals Early
Sony’s Gamescom extravaganza is right around the corner, but eagle eyed geeks have already plundered the interwebs to find website domain names that could unveil some things before the big show. While some of the domains ... -
“Star Wars 1313” – This ain’t your Daddy’s Star Wars
A new gameplay trailer has surfaced from the Gamescom convention going on in Germany, and boy howdy does this game look nice. Basically you can the Uncharted series and plant them in a mature Star Wars universe and you’ve got ... -
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale Delayed to November 20th
You remember Sony’s blatant ripoff of Nintendo motion controls right? The light-bulb controller that is the move? Did you also know that their copy of Super Smash Brothers Brawl, sneakily changed to All-Stars Battle Royale, has been delayed until ... -
“Manufacturing Nightmare” may lead to Wii U launch delay
Rumors are spreading around the internet that Nintendo is having trouble manufacturing their new Wii U console, and that it may lead them to delay the international release until this December. While Nintendo has yet to officially announce a launch ... -
Game of the Week: Last Story (wii) and Hybrid (XBLA)
The Last Story (Wii) As we mentioned in the podcast, this is The Last Story, the truly last epic that the Wii will experience and it seems to be a fitting end to the console’s life. Born from the brain ... -
Steamy!: Steam to start offering more than game software
In a move that may shock some, Steam announced today that they would begin offering non-gaming software over the service along with their traditional games. The new software offered will range from creativity to productivity and will integrate the same ... -
State of the Game Address: What the Elder Scrolls Series Should Fix Before Becoming an MMO
Before gamers have even fully had the chance to plunder the depths of Skryim’s dungeons and caves, not to mention the new places and quests added in the DawnGuard expansion, Bethesda has the news of an Elder Scrolls ... -
Microsoft Executive Accidentally Confirms Xbox 720 in Development
Brian Hall, executive over Windows Live, let it slip during a podcast interview (sadly not ours) that the Xbox 720 is currently in development. Now this isn’t just the most startling thing in the world because who didn’t know ...